The Practice Guide

Maintaining the balance between relaxation and focus, Deep Tracing® engages our senses. The more senses we engage when performing a task, the better it is for our brains to create neural pathways associated with this task, making it easier to repeat in the future.

If this is your first time, follow the steps below to practice deep tracing®.

Watch the short video to get a first glimpse of the practice.


No other sense is so closely intertwined with emotion and memory than the sense of smell.

The deep tracing® scent is a blend of relaxing and uplifting essential oils. When sprayed on the paper, it helps us relax and take our experience to the next level.

Associating the Deep Tracing® experience with a certain smell, helps the brain recall the emotional and mental state we were in when we were living the experience.

If you have the deep tracing® scent, before starting your practice, hold it at least 20 cm away from the paper and spray once or twice, to release the essential oils. Let it set for about 5 minutes and then start practicing.

If you don’t have the deep tracing® scent, click below and get it.


Music activates both the left and right hemisphere of the brain, at the same time, and this activation is very beneficial to training the brain and improving memory.
When our mind is in a relaxed state, alpha brain waves are produced.

Listen to Alpha Brain Waves music while you are deep tracing®, for enhanced focus and creativity. Either on Soundcloud or on Spotify, we have selected for you the perfect soundtrack for your deep tracing® practice.

If you are in a more melodic mood, add the below playlist on Spotify and start deep tracing®.

Step by step

Step 1: Trace the artwork.

After having sprayed the deep tracing® scent and put on your music of choice, it’s time to engage vision and touch.

Draw inside the trace to outline the artwork. Make sure you have the support of a table. Be slow and patient. If you slip out of the trace, pause, take a breath and start again, slower this time.

For a more relaxing experience, start with a sharp pencil instead of a pen.

Tip: Make sure to minimise distractions during your session, in order to benefit from it fully.

Step 2: Get creative.

When you finish tracing the artwork make it your own: colour it, doodle or write on it. Express how you’re feeling in the present. We’ve curated a selection of patterns below to inspire your doodling.

Tip: there’s no right or wrong. Let your imagination completely free and keep your emotions flowing.

Step 3: Frame it.

Once the final line is in place, simply frame your artwork to keep it as a reminder of your creative journey within.

Tip: If you want to preserve the vibrance of the colours, avoid direct sunlight on your artwork.


Here are a few doodle ideas for Step 2, to help you get started when being more creative.